Supported Functions

Graphing Calculator Four Function and Scientific Matrix Geometry 3D

Trig Functions

Function Try typing... This function plots or finds the...
sine sin\((x)\) sine of an angle
cosine cos\((x)\) cosine of an angle
tangent tan\((x)\) tangent of an angle
cosecant csc\((x)\) cosecant of an angle
secant sec\((x\)) secant of an angle
cotangent cot\((x\)) cotangent of an angle


Inverse Trig Functions

Function Try typing... This function plots or finds the...
arcsine sin\(^{-1}(x)\) inverse of the sine of an angle
arccosine cos\(^{-1}(x)\) inverse of the cosine of an angle
arctangent tan\(^{-1}(x\)) inverse of the tangent of an angle
arccosecant csc\(^{-1}(x\)) inverse of the cosecant of an angle
arcsecant sec\(^{-1}(x\)) inverse of the secant of an angle
arccotangent cot\(^{-1}(x\)) inverse of the cotangent of an angle



Function Try typing... This function finds the...
mean mean\(([1,5,5,10])\) average of a list of numbers
median median\(([1,5,5,10])\) middle value of a list of numbers
minimum min\(([1,5,5,10])\) minimum value of a list of numbers
maximum max\(([1,5,5,10])\) maximum value of a list of numbers
quartile quartile\(([1,5,5,10],4)\) qth quartile of a list of numbers (list,q) (q must be a number between 0 and 4 (inclusive))
quantile quantile\(([1,5,5,10],4)\) qth quantile of a list of numbers (list,q) (q must be a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
standard deviation stdev\(([1,5,5,10])\) sample standard deviation of a list of numbers
standard deviation population stdevp\(([1,5,5,10])\) population standard deviation of a list of numbers
variance var\(([1,5,5,10])\) sample variance of a list of numbers
population variance varp\(([1,5,5,10])\) population variance of a list of numbers
mean absolute deviation mad\(([1,5,5,10])\) mean absolute deviation of a list of numbers
covariance cov\((l_{1},l_2)\) sample covariance between two list of numbers
population covariance covp\((l_{1},l_2)\) population covariance between two list of numbers
Pearson correlation coefficient corr\((l_{1},l_2)\) Pearson correlation coefficient between two list of numbers
Spearman spearman\((l_{1},l_2)\) Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between two lists of numbers
stats stats\(([2,3,3,5,6,7,8])\) five number summary - (minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum values) of a list
count count\(([1,5,5,10])\) number of elements in a list
total total\(([1,5,5,10])\) sum of a list


List Operations

Function Try typing... This function...
join join\((l_{1},l_2)\) joins multiple lists into one
sort sort\(([5,1,5,10])\) sorts the elements in a list
shuffle shuffle\(([1,5,5,10])\) shuffles the elements in a list
unique unique\(([1,5,5,10])\) makes a list of the unique elements of an original list
for (a,a) for \(1 \lt a \lt 3\) plots points or evaluates a variable for multiple values in a list or graphs a continuous curve for a finite or infinite interval



Function Try typing... This function plots a...
histogram histogram\(([1,5,5,10])\) histogram from the data contained in list using bin width to group the data. (The bin width may be optionally passed in as a second argument. If not, it defaults to 1).
dotplot dotplot\(([1,5,5,10])\) dot plot from the data contained in list using bin width to group the data. (The bin width may be optionally passed in as a second argument. If not, it defaults to 1).
boxplot boxplot\(([1,5,5,10])\) box-and-whisker plot from the data contained in list



Function Try typing... This function plots the...
normal distribution normaldist\((0,1)\) probability density function (PDF) of a normal distribution with the given mean and standard deviation
t-distribution tdist\((10)\) probability density function (PDF) of a t-distribution with the given degrees of freedom
poisson distribution poissondist\((5.5)\) probability mass function (PMF) of a Poisson distribution with the given mean
binomial distribution binomialdist\((10,0.3)\) probability mass function (PMF) of a binomial distribution given a number of (independent) trials and a probability of success on each trial
uniform distribution uniformdist\((0,1)\) probability density function (PDF) of a uniform distribution with the given minimum and maximum
probability density function pdf\((D,x)\) probability density function (PDF) of the normal distribution \((D)\)
cumulative distribution function cdf\((D,x)\) cumulative distribution function
(CDF) of the normal distribution \((D)\)
inverse cumulative density function inversecdf\((C,x)\) inverse cumulative distribution function
(CDF) of the normal distribution \((D)\)
random random\(( )\) random\(( )\) chooses a random number in the interval \([0,1)\), random\((l_1)\) will choose one random number from the list


Statistical Tests

Function Try typing... This function...
t-test ttest\(([85,90,78,92,88], 80)\) performs a one-sample t-test to compare the mean of a list of data to a hypothesized mean
t-score tscore\(([85,90,78,92,88], 80)\) finds the number of standard deviations that the mean of a list of data is away from the hypothesized mean
independent two-sample t-test ittest\((l_{1},l_2)\) performs an independent (unpaired) two-sample t-test to compare the mean of list1 to the mean of list2



Function Try typing... This function plots the...
exponential exp\((x)\) exponential function of \(x\)
natural logarithm ln\((x)\) natural log of \(x\)
logarithm log\((x)\) logarithm of \(x\)
logarithm with base a log\(_{a}(x)\) logarithm of \(x\) given a base value
derivative as d/dx \(d/dx\) derivative with respect to \(x\)
derivative using prime notation \(f’(x)\) derivative of the function \(f(x)\)
integral int calculates the total value of a function over an interval (the upper and lower bound)
summation sum calculate the sum of a sequence from the lower limit of the index to the upper limit of the index
product prod calculate the product of a sequence of factors from the lower limit of the index to the upper limit of the index


Hyperbolic Trig Functions

Function Try typing... This function plots or finds the...
hyperbolic sine sinh\((x)\) hyperbolic sine of an angle
hyperbolic cosine cosh\((x)\) hyperbolic cosine of an angle
hyperbolic tangent tanh\((x)\) hyperbolic tangent of an angle
hyperbolic cosecant csch\((x)\) hyperbolic cosecant of an angle
hyperbolic secant sech\((x)\) hyperbolic secant of an angle
hyperbolic cotangent coth\((x)\) hyperbolic cotangent of an angle


Custom Colors

Function Try typing... Define a custom color by providing...
rgb \(c=\)rgb\((255, 165, 0)\) the amount of red, green, and blue as values between 0 and 255
hsv \(c=\)hsv\((25,0.8,1)\) the hue (a value between 0 and 360), saturation (a value between 0 and 1), and brightness (a value between 0 and 1)



Function Try typing... Description
tone tone\((440)\) make a sound by providing a frequency input from 110 to 880 and an optional gain input from 0 to 1


Number Theory

Function Try typing... This function finds the…
least common multiple lcm\((2,3,4)\) least common multiple of two or more numbers
greatest common divisor gcd\((6,12,18)\) greatest common divisor of two or more numbers
modulo mod\((17,5)\) remainder value after division by the divisor (modulus)
least integer ceil\((13.5)\) least integer greater than or equal to a number
greatest integer floor\((13.5)\) greatest integer less than or equal to a number
round round\((1.3254, 2)\) value rounded to the nearest integer or given place value
sign sign\((-20)\) sign of a number as positive 1 or negative 1
nth root nthroot the nth root of a number
permutation nPr\((6,2)\) the number of ways to arrange \(r\) objects from a set of \(n\) distinct objects (the order of the objects matters)
combination nCr\((6,2)\) the number of ways to choose \(r\) objects from a set of \(n\) distinct objects (the order of the objects does not matter)



Function Try typing... Description
action(\(\to\)) \(a \to a+1\) updates the variable when the action runs
with \(\frac{m}{n} + m\) with \(m = 10, n = 2\) replace a variable in an expression with a constant value, another variable expression, or a list


Complex Numbers

Function Try typing... This function plots or finds the...
real real\((2+4i)\) real part of a complex number.
imaginary imag\((2+4i)\) imaginary part of a complex number (multiple of i).
conjugate conj\((2+4i)\) complex conjugate by changing the sign of the imaginary part of a complex number. This is often used when dividing by complex numbers.
argument arg\((2+4i)\) angle inclined from the positive real axis to the line from the origin to the complex value. In Desmos, this angle is calculated in radians within the interval \((-\pi,\pi]\).
modulus, or absolute value |2+4i| the distance between the origin and the complex value’s corresponding point.



Function Try typing... Arguments Description
midpoint midpoint\(((0,2),(4,5))\) segment or two points point equidistant between 2 points
distance distance\(((0,2),(4,5))\) two points measure between 2 points
polygon polygon\(((0,0),(3,4),(4,2),(2,-1))\) n points closed plane figure made of points


Polar Coordinates

Variable Try typing... Description
\(\theta\) theta the direction or the angle of rotation from the positive x-axis
\(r\) r the distance from the origin to the point


Constants and Variables

Constant or Variable Try typing... Description
\(\pi\) pi ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter
\(\tau\) tau ratio of a circle’s circumference to its radius (or \(2\pi\))
\(e\) e base of the natural logarithm
~ ~ indicates the regression model to be used to model the relationship between two sets of data \((x_{1},x_2)\)
\(\infty\) infinity an unbounded quantity
width width the width of the viewport (in pixels)
height height the height of the viewport (in pixels)