Complex Numbers

Getting Started

Complex numbers provide a solution to finding the square root of a negative number, and they are essential for modeling and solving problems in a variety of fields including engineering, physics, statistics, chemistry, and mathematics.

Complex numbers are written in the form a+bi, where a is the real part, and b is the imaginary part. The imaginary number 𝑖 is defined as the square root of \(-1\) \(\left(\sqrt{-1}\right)\), therefore \(i^2=-1\). Start by computing with complex numbers in the scientific calculator, then explore plotting them in the graphing calculator!

Complex Mode

In the Settings menu of the Scientific, Graphing, and 3D calculators, you can toggle on Complex Mode . This adds the imaginary number \(i\) to the keypad and switches all angles to radians. In Complex Mode, you’ll also have access to functions for finding the real and imaginary parts, conjugate, argument, and modulus of a complex value. Look for real(), imag(), conj(), arg() and | | (for modulus).
Screenshot of the scientific calculator with complex mode toggled on in the graph settings menu.


Functions for Complex Numbers

Function Try typing... This function plots or finds the...
real real\((2+4i)\) real part of a complex number.
imaginary imag\((2+4i)\) imaginary part of a complex number (multiple of i).
conjugate conj\((2+4i)\) complex conjugate by changing the sign of the imaginary part of a complex number. This is often used when dividing by complex numbers.
argument arg\((2+4i)\) angle inclined from the positive real axis to the line from the origin to the complex value. In Desmos, this angle is calculated in radians within the interval \((-\pi,\pi]\).
modulus, or absolute value |2+4i| the distance between the origin and the complex value’s corresponding point.


Computing with Complex Numbers

While in Complex Mode, try adding two complex numbers in the scientific calculator. This adds the real and imaginary parts separately which results in another complex number. For example,

\((2 + 4i)+(1 + 5i)=(2 + 1)+(4+5)i=3+9i\)

You can also use the calculator to easily subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers!

Screenshot in the scientific calculator adding 2+4i and 1+5i with the real and imaginary parts added together.


Multiplying any complex number by its conjugate results in a real number. Explore why using the distributive property.


Screenshot in the scientific calculator with 2+4i and the conjugate of 2+4i.


Graphing Complex Numbers

Screenshot of the complex value 2+4i plotted in the graphing calculator at the point (2,4).

In the Graphing Calculator, complex numbers are plotted as points in the plane by converting them to the point \((\)real\(( )\),imag\(( ))\), where the x-coordinate represents the real part and the y-coordinate represents the imaginary part of the complex number. You can label complex numbers, make them draggable, and style them in the Options Menu.

Screenshot showing the sum parallelogram that results from adding two complex numbers.

Use the graphing calculator to explore what happens when you add two complex numbers. Notice that the resulting sum forms a parallelogram with four vertices: the origin, the two complex numbers, and their sum. Use the example graph to explore a geometric representation of complex number addition.

Screenshot visualizing how the multiplication of two complex numbers multiplies the lengths an adds the angles.

Multiplying two complex numbers multiplies their magnitudes and adds their angles. To find the length (or magnitude) of a complex number, use the modulus operator | |, and to determine the angle, use the arg() function.

Note: In Complex Mode, all angles are displayed in radians.


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