
By adding a point to the expression list, you'll automatically have the option to add a label. When the point is hidden, the label will still be visible, allowing you to use that text as a title or to label any part of your graph.

Creating a Label in the Expression List

Image of a circle with center labeled (3,5). Screenshot.

Enabling the checkbox without adding text will automatically show the coordinates of the point on the graph paper.

Image of a circle with the center (3,5) labeled as center. Screenshot

To create a text label, make sure the Label checkbox is enabled and type in the text of your choice. The graph paper will automatically update.

Image of a circle with center at (3,5) labeled as center with coordinate point toggled off.  Screenshot.

To display only the label without the point, click the point icon in the expression list.


Creating a Label in Geometry

Points and Angles

Image of a line created in the geometry tool with a point selected, the more options menu open, and the label box checked showing label: A.

Label points and angles by first selecting them on the graph paper, then checking the label in the More Options menu. By default, points are labeled with letters labels and angles with their measurement. You can also customize the label to the right of the checkbox.

Gif created in Geometry. There is a line on the graph paper. The gif shows opening the token navigator, dragging down a point, and labeling the point.

To label a point automatically with its coordinate, use the token navigator to drag and drop the point’s token into the expression list, then check the label box.

Gif created in Geometry using the angle tool to label 2 angles. It shows using the token navigator and the more options menu to relabel the angkes angle 1 and angle 2.

The angle and directed angle tools automatically label the angle measurement. While the angle object or token is selected, use the More Options menu to change the label. You can also change the angle’s label from the expression list.


Segment Lengths

Use the more options menu to label the length of a segment. On the graph paper, segments are labeled with a length rounded to the nearest hundredth of a unit. In the expression list, segments can also be measured using the length() command. Explore the construction by clicking on the image to the right.
Gif created in Geometry of a right triangle using the more options menu to label the two legs and labeling the hypoteneuse c.


Style Menu for a Point

Clicking and long-holding the color icon in the expression line will open the settings menu of the plotted point. You will be able to show/hide the point, show/hide the label, make your point draggable, and adjust properties such as opacity, thickness, font size, position, and angle of the label.

Note: In the geometry tool, you will need to drag a point token down to the expression list to access the point style menu. Points created using the point tool in Geometry have Drag toggled on, which removes the Clickable toggle.

Screenshot of the Point/label style menu.


Dynamic Labels

If a variable is already defined in the calculator, then its value can be used in a dynamic label.

If m and b are defined in the calculator, then typing ${m} and/or ${b} in any point label text areas will display the numerical values of m and b, and the label will automatically update as the value of m or b changes.

In the example shown, we've used y=${m}x+${b} as a point label in order to display the equation of the line in slope-intercept form as the sliders are adjusted. Open this Slope Intercept example graph to play with the sliders.

GIF showing creating a dynamic label with the line y=mx+b moving two sliders for m and b.


Pro-Tip: The use of back-ticks (the button to the left of the number one on your keyboard) formats the label using math text. This can be combined with dynamic labels to display equations on the graph paper.


You can also use Dynamic Labels to display the area of a polygon in Geometry. If you set a variable such as a to the area, labeling a point with the expression ${a} will display the area dynamically adjusting as the dimensions of the polygon change. Open the triangle construction in this Area - Dynamic Labels example graph.

GIF created in Geometry of a triangle with a dynamic label for area. As you drag the top vertex of the triangle, the area changes.


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