Embossing Graphs with Desmos

The Desmos Graphing Calculator and Desmos Geometry Tool have the ability to export graphs for a Braille embosser, enabling students to feel the graph rather than hear it. Supported embossers include the Tiger Columbia and VP Max, and the Enabling Technologies Romeo 60 and Juliet 120. Get started by watching the video and dive deeper with the resources below. For more information on embossing and our other accessibility features, visit www.desmos.com/accessibility.


Share icon highlighted. Screenshot.

Click on the Share icon located in the top right corner of the viewing window..

Export Image option highlighted in the share menu. Screenshot.

Select export image.

Export image options shown. Screenshot.

Next, select either Braille Nemeth or Braille UAB for the file type.

Then, select the type of embosser and paper size you will be using.

Lastly, Download PNG file.


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